The Transformative Impact of Education

January 20, 2025

At Street Child United (SCU), promoting education for street-connected children is a key part of our mission. Our work is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

As we approach the UN International Day of Education on 24 January, it’s an opportune time to explore why education is so important, the transformative impact it can have for street-connected children, and how we can advance access to education for all.

SCU Programmes Manager shows the importance of initiatives like Mobile Schools for street-connected children in Brazil.

The importance of education

The right to education is enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It states that everyone has the right to education and that, at an elementary level, it should be free for all. This universal right is central to SDG 4, which seeks to remove barriers to education and ensure that no one is left behind.

Education offers street-connected children a way out of poverty and a path to socioeconomic mobility. It gives them the chance to end the cycle of poverty and define their own future. Beyond the individual, it equips these children with the tools to contribute to the development and prosperity of their communities.

Street-connected children, in particular, need access to education that addresses the unique challenges they face. These experiences can include social exclusion, domestic violence, and extreme poverty. It’s vital that education for street-connected children is delivered in a way that considers these factors, ensuring their safety and well-being while opening doors to future opportunities.

Yet, the global picture of education highlights the urgency of our mission. There are an estimated 244 million children and adolescents worldwide who are not in school, missing out on the opportunities education provides. Furthermore, 617 million children and adolescents cannot read and do basic mathematics. Approximately four million child and youth refugees are also out of school.

YL Ailyn reminds us that Education is a Human Right.

SCU's action to promote education for street-connected children

At SCU, we are committed to advancing SDG 4 by giving street-connected children the educational opportunities they deserve.

Our ‘One Million and One’ campaign aims to secure legal identity for One Million and One street-connected children by 2026. This aligns directly with SDG 4.1 and 4.5, which emphasize equal access to education and addressing disparities. By providing children with legal identity—such as birth registration and identification—we ensure they can access essential services, including education. A birth certificate not only acknowledges a child’s existence but also guarantees their right to participate in society and benefit from educational opportunities.

In addition to legal identity, SCU is taking several steps to empower street-connected children through education:

  • – University bursaries: We’re supporting street-connected young people like Sadock from Tanzania, Ailyn from the USA, and Husnain from Pakistan to pursue higher education at the University of the West of England. This is a testament to SDG 4.3, which focuses on ensuring equal access to affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education.
  • – English language courses: We are empowering SCU Young Leaders with language skills to enable them to pursue higher education and meaningful careers.
  • – Classroom materials: By providing the tools children need to learn, we’re advancing SDG 4.a, which calls for the creation of inclusive and effective learning environments.
  • – Advocacy and awareness: By championing the needs of street-connected children globally, SCU supports SDG 4.5’s mission to eliminate gender disparities and promote the education of vulnerable groups, including children in vulnerable situations.


But as the numbers above demonstrate, there is still so much more to be done. Globally, progress toward achieving SDG 4 is uneven, and marginalised groups, including street-connected children, are often left out of the conversation. At SCU, we believe every child deserves an education to determine their own future, because every child matters.

Help us out, spread the word!
