The world conspires to make Street Child United happen.

The most important word in our name is ‘UNITED’ – we are delighted to work with amazing partner organisations across the globe.

736 Lives changed

Leaving home for the first time, having so many people believe in you, believing in yourself.

867 Passports secured

SCU has successfully secured passports thereby all rights of citizenship for every child attending SCU events.

12 Governments reached

12 teams have been able to take their young people’s messages directly to their governments and demand change.

Team Burundi met their president to campaign for their rights.

35 projects supported

Through Street Child United events we have been able to support 35 projects with legacy funding.

Impact Reports


Impact Report 2019

The SCCWC 2019 gave street-connected children a voice, raising awareness, challenging negative perceptions and calling for street children everywhere to be better protected, respected and supported.

All Event Reports

We measure and report our impact for each global sports events. Download the .pdf file below:

Street Child World Cups

Street Child Cricket World Cups

Street Child Games

Drika's Story

I have always enjoyed football.
I did not know it would change my life.

I have always enjoyed football. I did not know it would change my life.

How it began for Drika...

When Drika was a baby her mom left her with her grandmother who raised her until she died when Drika was just 14. Drika was forced to move to Rio de Janeiro to live with her mother where things dramatically changed for her…

Dark times

Drika found Rio hard and dangerous. She did not get on well with her stepfather who forced her to move out when she was just 17. Broke, alone and very scared, Drika managed to survive by ‘couch surfing’ until her Aunt eventually took her in.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">SCWC 2014

Fortunately Drika was selected to participate in the Street Child World Cup 2014. It was during this event that Drika connected with other street childen from around the world and began to realise she had a voice, and so grew the determindation to create a better future.

An inspring young leader

Drika quickly became part of the SCU family, volunteering at the Street Child Games in 2016 and then as alumni for the SCWC 2018. She was identfied as a Young Leader – someone who could become a voice of change in her community.

Change 10

Drika was selected to be part of the first Change 10 cohort – a programme that upskills and mentors young leaders. Over the course, Drika’s confidence, ambition and business skills grew immensely.

Her own business

Drika has now set up her own Personal Training business and provides fitness sessions to women and girls in her community. She is a role model to many young girls and a testament to the power of sport to change lives.