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Menstruation happens to girls naturally. I can still swim, jump, or do anything I want...

Empowering Women and Girls: The Success Story of Project Chhori

back to News “Menstruation happens to girls naturally. I can still swim, jump, or do anything I want. I shouldn’t miss school because of it.  It is not a punishment for the girls.” – Project Chhori participant.  Menstruation, a natural and essential biological process, is often shrouded in taboos and stigma in many cultures, leading to significant negative impacts on girls’ lives. These taboos can manifest as social, cultural, and even institutional barriers that restrict girls’ participation in key activities. For instance, in some communities, menstruating girls are prohibited from attending school, engaging in sports, or participating in religious practices.  Street Child United in collaboration with Childreach Nepal, are proud to have launched Project Chhori, a menstrual health initiative to empower women and girls through the production of biodegradable sanitary pads and comprehensive menstrual health education. Girsl in Bangladesh learn about female health. Project Chhori Project Chhori began in 2017 when Childreach Nepal acquired its first sanitary pad-making machine; Chhori simply translates as ‘daughter’ in Nepali.  Since then, the initiative has expanded, equipping schools and community centres with machines to produce biodegradable sanitary pads. This not only meets the critical need for hygienic menstrual products but also creates job opportunities and income for participating organisations through pad sales. A cornerstone of Project Chhori is its educational component, which offers training on menstrual hygiene and fosters open discussions about female health. By addressing cultural taboos and dispelling myths, the program aims to drive societal change, enhancing knowledge and encouraging open dialogue

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